Russians in the Kherson region entrenched themselves on the the Black Sea coast

Russian troops are creating a deeply echeloned line of defense on the eastern bank of the Dnipro in the occupied Kherson region.
Satellite images of the Kherson region show that the russian army continues to create defensive positions on the eastern bank of the Dniproin the depths of the occupied territory.
The activity of the troops was noticed by OSINT specialist Benjamin Pittet, who investigated a large area of southern Ukraine in detail, Defence Express reports.
The satellite images published by the specialist show the creation of positions on the left bank of the Dnipro in the Kherson area, and even on the Black Sea and east of Dnipro river. The following positions can be found:

Some of the positions are classic strongholds, for example, the russian fortifications in the Nova Kakhovka area. The photo below shows two lines of trenches and places for equipment. This line of defense is only the front line, because further defensive positions will be arranged in buildings.

The pictures also recorded the creation of probable stationary positional areas of artillery units, such as, for example, in the area of Hola Prystan. The image below shows one line of trenches and 10 positions for, most likely, artillery systems.

Some of the positions are located in remote areas, which indicates the readiness of the occupiers to resist deep amphibious operations. Such a position exists, for example, on the shores of the Black Sea, in the Yagorlytskyi Bay.

The positions recorded by the satellite suggest that the russian troops are currently creating three defense lines, the first of which runs along the Dnipro, the second — at a depth of 5-10 km from it, and the third — at 20-25 km.

The length of the defense lines is about 180-200 km, which requires significant efforts to create them. However, carrying out a large-scale operation to force the Dnipro by the forces of the Armed Forces after the liquidation of the russian army’s bridgehead in the Kherson region is unlikely, due to its complexity and resource consumption.
The main thing is that the arrangement of such a line of defense in the Kherson region requires the creation of an equally powerful line of defense on the line Vasylivka – Pology – Blagodatne – Novotroitske.

If similar preparations are underway on this 200-kilometer section, it can be assumed that the kremlin understands the real possibilities of its offensive potential and is actively “concreting” its defenses. The main goal is to maintain control over the already occupied territory and by all means to maintain the “land corridor” to the occupied Crimea in approximately the current positions.