Safe crew change program was launched for seafarers

Safe crew change program was launched for seafarers

CrewEQUIP will help seafarers safely join vessels despite unpredictable changes in government border policies.

The program was launched by the International Maritime Employers Council (IMEC), the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).

It is noted that the launch of the initiative took place due to a new variant of coronavirus, which prompts governments to close borders for seafarers at the moment when they need to leave the vessel or join it.

The program provides the following features:

  • creating a list of reliable hotels available for crew quarantine; they will all be verified by an independent organization;
  • shipping companies, crewing agents and operators can sponsor quarantine facilities for seafarers if they join the program. The premises will meet the strict CrewEQUIP standards and will also be verified by the Lloyd’s Register.

“CrewEquip will simplify the quarantine process for both seafarers and shipowners and ensure that high safety standards are met,” said Guy Platten, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Shipping.