Since the beginning of the new season, Ukraine has exported more than 5.7 million tons of grain

Since the beginning of the new season, Ukraine has exported more than 5.7 million tons of grain

As of August 19, Ukraine exported 5.788 million tons of grain and leguminous crops.

Since the beginning of 2024/2025, 2.7 million tons of wheat have been sent to Ukraine for export (last year – 1.4 million tons), reports the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.  

In particular, 907 thousand tons of barley (422 thousand tons last season), 0.3 thousand tons of rye (against 0.6 thousand tons) and 2.084 million tons (1.711 million tons) of corn were exported.

It should be noted that the export of flour amounted to 7.4 thousand tons (against 17.6 thousand tons for the same period of the previous MR).

As previously reported by USM, more than 42 million tons of agricultural products have been exported through the ports of Great Odesa since the beginning of the Ukrainian maritime corridor. In monetary terms, it is equivalent to 9 billion dollars.