State Environmental Inspection will check pollution of sea fishing ports

State Environmental Inspection will check pollution of sea fishing ports

Inspectors of the State Environmental Inspection will be able to monitor sea pollution at the base of vessels of the fishing industry fleet.

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution on the approval of the Procedure for interaction between the Administration of sea fishing ports, port stations, bases of vessels of the fishing industry fleet and the State Ecological Inspection. The draft of this document was developed by SEI specialists, said the Head of the Department Andrii Malevanny.

According to him, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution on September 15th, but the order came into force on October 23rd.

According to the decree, in case of detection of a discharge of pollutants from the vessel, the Administration of the fishing port reports this fact to the State Environmental Inspection. After that, SEI starts testing, during which it takes water samples and analyzes them in the laboratory. In case of revealing deviations from the norms established by law, the inspectorate takes measures in relation to the vessel’s master or ship owner.

Within a day after the elimination of the detected pollution, the administration will provide the State Environmental Inspectorate with a description of the measures taken and information on the amount of pollutants.

“The document establishes a clear and unified mechanism of interaction between the Administration of fishing ports, port stations and other bases of vessels of the fishing industry fleet with the State Environmental Inspection. This will ensure transparent and impartial inspections,” the Head of the State Environmental Inspection summed up.