
UDS explained what prevents the company from finally breaking even
The Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company also summed up 2024 and shared its anti-crisis strategy.

Kernel invested over $30 million in its own fleet
Kernel Agroholding has already invested over 30 million USD in its own fleet.

Norway will allocate over $240 million to Ukraine to strengthen its fleet
The Norwegian government has said it will provide 2.7 billion kroner to strengthen the Ukrainian Navy.

UDS put up for auction the entire naval fleet
PJSC “Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company” has begun the sale of the company’s sea fleet.

Government officials inspected the modernized vessel of the UDS “Captain Antypov”
Representatives of the Ministry of Development visited the Danube region and inspected the first modernized UDS vessel.

Kernel invested over $20 million in its own fleet
Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the Kernel agroholding has invested in terminal infrastructure for cargo transshipment, as well as in a fleet to ensure supply chains.

The first modernized UDS vessel is put into operation
The first modernized vessel of the Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company, Kapitan Antypov, is getting ready for work, and is already heading for its first cargo.

The lack of decisions regarding the idle fleet threatens to paralyze the work of the UDS
At the meeting of the property commission of the Ministry of Reconstruction, again no decisions were made regarding the future of the UDS.

A delegation of the Royal Netherlands Navy visited Ukraine
A delegation of the Royal Netherlands Naval Forces came to Ukraine to meet with colleagues.

Kernel’s fleet currently carries about 10% of the company’s agricultural products
The agricultural company plans to continue to increase the volume of transshipment, invest in the fleet and work in the ports of Great Odesa. Kernel logistics director Mykola Miroshnychenko told about it. According to him, the fiscal year 2025 is the year of the farmer – it is Ukrainian agricultural producers who decide where and…