grain theft

Ukraine and Great Britain will fight against the theft of Ukrainian grain

Ukraine and Great Britain will work together to track stolen grain from the occupied territories of Ukraine.

27.06.2023 - 10:10
The G7 countries are developing a scheme to fight with the theft of Ukrainian grain

The “Group of Seven” countries plan to fight the theft of Ukrainian grain. The origin of Ukrainian grains will be determined using chemical identification.

13.06.2023 - 09:35
In the port of Mariupol, Russians steal Ukrainian grain (video)

While the Russian Federation is blocking the Grain Agreement, the occupiers are loading Ukrainian grain onto a ship in Mariupol.

9.06.2023 - 13:00
Two Russian vessels were spotted in the port of Berdyansk

The invaders are loading Ukrainian grain and metal onto ships at the port of Berdyansk.

1.06.2023 - 11:20
The Russian Federation stole about 4 million tons of grain from Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war

The Russian invaders have stolen about 4 million tons of grain from Ukraine
since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

25.05.2023 - 14:00
Another Russian ship with stolen Ukrainian grain left Mariupol

Another Russian ship left the port of temporarily captured Mariupol with 2,000 tons of Ukrainian grain stolen.

22.05.2023 - 15:20
Britain imposed sanctions on companies that stole grain from Ukraine

Great Britain’s new sanctions against Russia concern companies that were involved in the theft of Ukrainian grain.

19.05.2023 - 14:30
The court decided to arrest the organizer of the Ukrainian grain theft scheme

The Higher Anti-Corruption Court (HCC) chose the organizer of a criminal scheme to steal grain as a preventive measure in the form of detention.

27.03.2023 - 09:20
The USA imposed sanctions on a russian company that steals grain from Ukraine

A russian company and its manager involved in the theft of grain from Ukraine have been sanctioned by the United States. Grain could be exported to Crimean ports.

28.02.2023 - 14:40
The captain of the russian vessel was informed of suspicion due to the theft of Ukrainian grain

The captain of the russian ship “Nadezhda” was informed about the suspicion. The man is involved in the transportation of stolen Ukrainian grain.

7.02.2023 - 16:50