Shipping Register

A representative office of the Shipping Register of Ukraine will be opened in Poland

The Polish Shipping Register and the Shipping Register of Ukraine are strengthening cooperation.

29.07.2024 - 12:31
Регістри судноплавства України і Польщі підписали угоду про співпрацю
The Shipping Registers of Ukraine and Poland signed a cooperation agreement

The Shipping Registers of Ukraine and Poland signed a joint cooperation agreement.

29.01.2024 - 15:01
The Shipping Register will conduct research on board the “Noosfera”

The Shipping Register will work with the National Antarctic Science Centre. As part of the cooperation, research is planned on board the icebreaker “Noosfera”.

20.12.2023 - 15:20
The European Agency will help conduct an audit of the Shipping Register

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) will provide support in the audit of the state-owned enterprise “Shipping Register of Ukraine”.

13.09.2023 - 16:40
New structure: The shipping register optimizes its own work

Five new departments are being created by SE “Classification Society Shipping Register of Ukraine”.

15.08.2023 - 11:30
The Shipping register of Ukraine inspected the icebreaker Noosfera in Cape Town

In April-May, specialists of the Shipping Register of Ukraine conducted audits of the research vessel “Noosfera”.

16.06.2023 - 14:10
“Shipping Register” lost more than UAH 50 million

The financial audit and audit of the financial and economic activities of the SE “Classification Society Shipping Register of Ukraine” revealed that the company did not receive income in the amount of more than UAH 50 million.

11.04.2023 - 10:20
The director of the “Register of Shipping of Ukraine” is leaving his post

Oleksandr Riffa is leaving the post of General Director of the Classification Society “Register of Shipping of Ukraine”.

5.04.2023 - 15:10
Employees of the State Enterprise “Shipping Register of Ukraine” were exposed for corruption

Two employees of the State Enterprise “Shipping Register of Ukraine” demanded and received bribes in the amount of USD 2,700.

30.03.2023 - 11:20
The Danube Commission can recognize the documents of the river fleet of Ukraine as European Standards

The Ukrainian delegation at the meeting of the working group of the Danube Commission insists on the recognition of the European standard of documents issued by the Shipping Register of Ukraine to inland navigation vessels.

13.10.2022 - 14:40