
From “Khabarovsk” to “Mariupol”: UDS changed the names of 23 vessels

The UDS renamed vessels with Russian names, focusing on Ukrainian cities under occupation.

19.02.2024 - 10:17
Ukraine may ban maritime communication with Russia for 50 years

The government of Ukraine proposes to ban any transport connection with Russia for 50 years.

24.01.2024 - 17:02
Три російські судна зіткнулися — і більше не крадуть українське зерно
Three Russian ships collided — and they no longer steal Ukrainian grain

Three Russian thief vessels got in an accident, which is why they are no longer involved in the transportation of Ukrainian grain.

24.01.2024 - 16:41
This year, UDS increased the volume of transportation to 1.8 million tons

“Ukrainian Danube Shipping” summed up the results of 2023. Among them is an increase in the volume of transportation, repair of the fleet, as well as the return of sea vessels.

29.12.2023 - 15:30
Five vessels are heading to the ports of Great Odesa

The movement of ships continues through the Ukrainian maritime corridor, both to the exit and to the entrance to the ports of Odesa region.

9.11.2023 - 15:20
“Kernel” purchased sea vessels for the transportation of grain and oil

Agroholding “Kernel” purchased two sea vessels for the transportation of grain cargoes and oil.

31.10.2023 - 15:00
Chinese and Russian vessels were spotted before the sabotageon the Balticconnector

The Russian vessel “Sevmorput” and the Chinese vessel Newnew Polarbear were near the Balticconnector gas pipeline before the sabotage.

18.10.2023 - 10:40
Three more ships left the ports of Great Odesa

In the morning, three vessels left the ports of Great Odesa through the Ukrainian maritime corridor.

17.10.2023 - 11:15
Another foreign ship arrived at the ports of Great Odesa

Another ship arrived at Ukrainian ports through the “temporary corridor”. The ship is currently anchored near Odessa.

13.10.2023 - 09:25
19 ships left the ports of Great Odesa

Two more ships left the ports of Great Odesa today. They will pass through the new “grain corridor”.

11.10.2023 - 14:05