Taras Kachka elected head of the International Grains Council

Taras Kachka elected head of the International Grains Council

Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade Representative of Ukraine Taras Kachka was elected Chairman of the International Grains Council.

Earlier, for a year (from June 2020), Taras Kachka was deputy chairman. Now Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba congratulated him on Twitter on his appointment to the position of chairman of the International Grains Council.

“I congratulate Taras Kachka on his election as the head of the International Grains Council for 2021-2022. For the first time in history, Ukraine will chair this influential international organization. This is the embodiment of the leadership ambitions of our state, confirming its status as a guarantor of the world’s food security,” the minister wrote.

Read also: “The grain market today is our future for the next 10 years,” – Deputy Minister of Economy Taras Kachka

Reference: The International Grains Council is an intergovernmental organization that oversees the implementation of the 1995 Grains Trade Convention, the only international treaty governing grain trade. Community activities are designed to promote international cooperation in the grain trade, as well as market stability and global food security. The council includes 30 countries.

Taras Kachka is a specialist in international law, a former member of the Ukrainian delegation in negotiations with the European Union on the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. From September 6, 2019 – Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade Representative of Ukraine.