The court continued the investigation into the officials of the branch of the State Water Agency

The court continued the investigation into the officials of the branch of the State Water Agency

The higher anti-corruption court continued the investigation into officials of the branch of the State Water Resources Agency of Ukraine.

High Anti-Corruption Court has extended the deadline for investigating the case until December 13, “Slovo i Dilo” reports with reference to the court’s decision.

The investigation concerns the suspicion of the head of the Basin Management of Water Resources of the Black Sea and Lower Danube Rivers, Roman Pukal, and the head of the Starokozatsk Village Council, Vadim Boyko, of the Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky District of the Odesa Region, in bribery.

Earlier, Roman Pukal’s case was transferred to NABU. According to the investigation, while in office, he, together with Vadym Boyk and the head of the Bilhorod-Dnister inter-district water management department, Borys Burlaka, demanded and received a bribe of $40,000 from the businessman.

The extras received funds for the adoption of a decision on the lease of real estate in the territory of the property complex on the territory of the Starokozatsk village council.

Pukal is also suspected of having received a bribe of UAH 10,000 from an entrepreneur for agreeing to the transfer of real estate for use, namely: a property complex consisting of a 1,122-hectare land plot in Odesa.

Earlier USM reported that the court extended the house arrest of Mariupol port director Ihor Barskyi.