The court extended the house arrest of the Mariupol port director

The court extended the house arrest of the Mariupol port director

The high anti-corruption court extended the night house arrest of the head of the Mariupol Sea Trade Port.

The court extended the night house arrest of Acting President until October 27. director of the Mariupol port, Ihor Barskyi, “Slovo i Dilo” reports.

Earlier, the Appeals Chamber reduced Barsky’s house arrest. In addition, he must arrive on call, not leave the place of registration or residence, report his whereabouts, and hand over foreign passports.

We will remind, the acting director of the state enterprise “Mariupol MTP” Ihor Barskyi is suspected of embezzling UAH 11.6 million.

In February 2022, the Mariupol Port and a private company signed a contract for additional works on the construction of a specialized transshipment complex for grain cargoes.

Despite the invasion of Russia and massive shelling of Mariupol, the director of the port decided to pay the company the funds actually not used under the contract.

According to the investigators, the official gave instructions to subordinate employees to prepare fictitious documents. At the same time, they were drawn up “backdated” – already after the expiration of the contract.