The export of Rosneft through the Cape of Good Hope reached a record level

The export of Rosneft through the Cape of Good Hope reached a record level

The attacks of the Yemeni Houthis forced even the Russians to reconsider their logistics, despite the militants’ promise not to attack Russian and Chinese vessels.

Sea exports of oil products of the Russian Federation to Asia through the Cape of Good Hope almost doubled compared to the previous month. This is reported by Reuters.

Thus, Rosneft exports through South Africa reached 1.1 million metric tons. The main part of exports is oil — 0.83 million tons. Cargoes of fuel oil, loaded in the Russian ports of Ust-Luga and Vysotsk, and diesel fuel with a low sulfur content from the port of Primorsk also pass through the Cape of Good Hope.

According to LSEG, oil products were exported to Singapore, Taiwan, India and China.

It is interesting that the Russians were forced to redirect the export of oil products through South Africa – due to the increased risk of attacks by the Houthis in the Red Sea.

Despite the promise not to attack Russian and Chinese vessels, at least three Russian tankers were attacked by Yemeni militants in 2024. In order to avoid shelling from the Houthis, some ships signaled that they had “Russian crew” or “cargo of Russian origin” on board.

However, most ships with Russian oil products still choose a shorter and faster route to Asia through the Suez Canal.

As a reminder, Asia is the main market for Russian fuel oil and oil exports after the EU embargo on the import of oil products from Russia entered into force in February 2023.

USM recently wrote that the US imposed sanctions on tankers carrying Iranian oil.