The first crew was formed in the UDS on a contract basis

The first crew was formed in the UDS on a contract basis

Another caravan with iron ore raw materials left for the Middle Danube.

“The team is half contract workers.” This year, the shipping industry optimized the number of crew members, instead, crew members were offered contract work,” the UDS noted.

According to this model, the payment becomes more – the weekend during the flight is compensated at a double salary rate.

First of all, the contract was offered to ex-employees of the shipping industry. The first contract crew consists exclusively of the fleet of the UDS.

“So optimization is a transition to a new format of labor relations. As transparent and fair as possible. This is how everyone works on the Danube — there is cargo, there is work, there is payment,” the message reads.

Today, the level of pay for a floating warehouse in the UDS is close to that of private companies, if you take into account the UAH salary plus weekend compensation, as well as a less exhausting working regime (private companies often have two shipwrights working on the ship 24 hours a day, while in the UDP there are three).

“Today, shipping is difficult. But we appreciate everyone who is ready to work. We do not delay salary, we pay what was promised. We offer various formats of cooperation – but exclusively transparent and market-oriented. And we are not going to deviate from these principles,” the company emphasized.

As previously reported by USM, the UDS commented on the mass dismissal of the crewmembers.