The Hague Court accuses the Russian Federation of violating the UN Maritime Convention

The Hague Court accuses the Russian Federation of violating the UN Maritime Convention

The hearing in the arbitration proceedings against the Russian Federation will last from September 23 to October 5, 2024.

The Permanent Chamber of the Arbitration Court in The Hague announced a hearing on the fact of Russia’s violation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. This is reported by “European Truth”.

It is about illegal actions in the Sea of ​​Azov and the Kerch Strait. The hearing was initiated by Ukraine’s lawsuit from 2016. The case will be heard from September 23 to October 5, 2024.

First, on September 23, the representatives of Ukraine will make an opening speech, after which the Russians will speak. Similarly, on October 5, after the Ukrainian performance, the Russian Federation will give the floor. The speeches of the parties will last up to 20 minutes and will be open to the public.

Since August 2018, the occupiers have been trying to deny the lawsuit by saying that Ukraine’s alleged claims do not actually relate to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, but are “an attempt to obtain a decision confirming Ukraine’s sovereignty over the Crimean Peninsula.”

However, in February 2020, the arbitral tribunal confirmed its jurisdiction to consider Ukraine’s claim. In addition to obstructing civil shipping, Russia is accused of stealing natural resources.

As USM wrote, earlier the Hague Court allowed the arrest of the commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.