The invaders closed the Kerch Strait to shipping

The invaders closed the Kerch Strait to shipping

The Russians are once again establishing prohibited areas for civilian shipping near Crimea.

The Ministry of Transport of Russia has developed a draft order that establishes prohibited areas for swimming in the Kerch Strait. This is reported by “Crimean Wind”.

On the Crimean side, the restricted zone will begin just below Cape Borzivka in the Glazivsk Rural District and will extend approximately one kilometer south along the coastline and east along the water to the sea border with Russia’s Krasnodar Territory.

On the side of the Krasnodar Territory, the prohibited area will be located at a distance of 1.6–6 kilometers from the shore opposite the northern border of the village of Illich and will extend 1.6 kilometers to the south.

The ban applies to vessels of all types. An exception was made for boats, vessels and ships of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Navy and the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

We will remind, the day before the Defense Forces destroyed a submarine of the Russian Federation, which was under repair in the port of Sevastopol.