The invaders in Crimea want to buy more ferries

The invaders in Crimea want to buy more ferries

Such a sudden renewal of the fleet is explained by the wear and tear of almost all vessels.

The occupying authorities of Crimea are asking the Russian government to provide funds for the purchase of 10 ferries. This is reported by rosZMI.

It is noted that the fleet of the occupying company “Krymskie Morskie Porty” is worn out by more than 90%. It is impossible to use it for sea transportation. Yes, only 3 vessels in the Yalta port can carry passengers.

The occupation authorities also noted that most of the hydrotechnical structures in Crimea are out of order due to wear and tear, are in a state of emergency and need reconstruction.

Previously, USM wrote that during 2023, Ukrainian forces carried out 180 attacks on military facilities in Crimea and Russian ships.

Read also: SSO blew up a mining platform captured by the Russians near Crimea (video).