The national transport strategy of Ukraine needs to be revised, — MTWTUU

The national transport strategy of Ukraine needs to be revised, — MTWTUU

The Trade Union of Maritime Transport Workers of Ukraine stated that the National Transport Strategy needs to be revised.

The priority goal of the updated National Transport Strategy of Ukraine until 2030 should be the development of human capital, MTWTUU noted.

The trade union explained that without guaranteeing decent working conditions for workers, it is impossible to ensure the restoration of Ukraine’s transport infrastructure.

The main tasks of the updated National Transport Strategy should be the creation of new jobs in the transport industry, the development of opportunities for transporters to receive modern education and training, knowledge and skills, guaranteeing the protection of labor and social rights.

PRMTU emphasizes that Ukraine should join other maritime states that have recognized seafarers and other maritime personnel as key workers.

The trade union also sent an appeal to the Federation of Trade Unions of Transporters of Ukraine, the Federation of Transport Employers of Ukraine, maritime education institutions and other organizations with a request to support its proposals.

Earlier, USM reported that the Shipping Administration and MTWTU will strengthen the protection of seafarers’ rights.