The origin of grain will be checked before loading onto ships in the ports of Odesa Region

Loading of barges in the ports of Odesa Region will take place only after preliminary verification of the legality of the origin of the grain.
Only “white” companies will be able to load grain. All customs declarations must be registered before the export goods are loaded, Oleh Kiper, the head of Odesa Regional Military Administration, said.
According to him, in this way, the Odesa Regional Military Administration strengthens discipline, accounting and reporting in the field of foreign economic activity in the conditions of the legal regime of martial law.
The new mechanism of control over export products was worked out during the month by the Odesa Customs, the Main Directorate of the State Border Guard Service in the Odesa Region, as well as the Territorial Administration of the Economic Security Bureau in the Odesa Region.
“During the period of martial law, each of us must contribute to Victory, currently our economy needs support, and the detinization of product exports will allow us to fill the budgets with taxes,” Kiper noted.
He emphasized that under the terms of partnership, in a win-win format, legal business had and still has the opportunity to join the open memorandum on cooperation between Odesa Regional Military Administration, state and local self-government bodies, and business. This memorandum is mutual, voluntary and parity, to which 26 companies have already joined. The list can be found at the link.
The memorandum defines the strengthening of cooperation in the agricultural, transport and food sectors, strategic partnership for solving food security issues.
“Currently, the process of developing constructive changes to the mentioned order is being carried out in order to eliminate the burdens that arise for “white” exporters, in particular, work continues with the relevant Associations,” the head of the administration added.