The prices for corn are falling in seaports of Ukraine

The prices for corn are falling in seaports of Ukraine

Despite the continuation of the “grain agreement”, the situation on the Ukrainian market last week remained difficult and tense, and prices were influenced by mixed factors.

Further sabotage of inspections in the Bosphorus by russian experts of the SCC and the expected entry of South American corn into the global arena limited trade in Ukrainian grain. Anna Tanska, head of the department of grain and oil markets of “APK-Inform”, told about this.

“In particular, Argentina has already started harvesting, and Brazil has almost caught up with planting and is preparing for a record harvest that could exceed the previous record by a quarter. However, some recovery of global quotations against the background of China’s purchase of a large batch of corn from the USA and the emergence of Chinese demand for Ukrainian grain somewhat supported prices in Ukrainian ports. During the past week, the local market was in an ambiguous situation,” the expert commented on the situation.

She also added that, in general, the extension of the “agreement” contributed to the recovery of trade in deep-sea ports, but did not provide significant support to prices, because the activity remains limited by the number of ship calls to the ports of Great Odesa, and the current demand was covered quite quickly thanks to the active supply of offers from agrarians, which need working capital for spring field work and sowing of spring crops.

Thus, during the specified period, the demand prices for fodder corn in Ukrainian ports were announced in the range of 190-200 USD/t SRT-port, which is somewhat inferior to the indicators of the previous week.