The quality of work has increased at the Kilia Shipyard

The quality of work has increased at the Kilia Shipyard

Over the past two years, as a result of modernization and investments, the quality of works at the Kilia Plant has increased.

Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company shared these results on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the Kilia Plant.

Thus, over the past two years, the UDS has consistently invested in the modernization of the enterprise. Modern new equipment was installed at the plant, after which the quality of work increased.

“In particular, the repair of the crane farm was launched. We are currently conducting an audit of the modernization program of the Kilia Plant. We evaluate the quality of equipment repairs that the company’s management ordered from subcontractors. There are questions that the directorate must answer. This is one hundred percent responsibility of the plant manager,” the UDS noted.

At the same time, today the UDS does not need such large volumes of repairs, which the plant performed in the past and the years before that.

According to entrepreneurs, Kilia Plant needs to more actively attract orders from other companies not only related to ship repair.

“The potential of the enterprise is great, but the management must learn to diversify its activities. We are also waiting for proposals to reduce costs – in the crisis, everyone has to save, without exception,” the UDS concluded.

We will remind you that the company was founded in 1944 in the city of Kiliya, Odesa Region, on the basis of the former ship repair workshops of the Kiliya Port for the repair of the river fleet of the Danube Shipping Company.

In 1960, the plant also mastered the construction of ships. The main areas of activity are shipbuilding (80%) and ship repair (20%), in addition, the plant produces products for the machine-building industry.

The development of shipbuilding at the plant is facilitated by a good geographical position – the location on the Danube, which rarely freezes over (this makes it possible to produce products throughout the year), 47 km from the Black Sea.

Previously, USM reported that the UDS will initiate the cancellation of the postponement of mobilization for certain employees.