The Russian tug is heading from the port of Mariupol to Rostov

The Russian tug is heading from the port of Mariupol to Rostov

Russians can use a tugboat to steal metal.

Tug Antey (IMO: 8020147) arrived at the port of Mariupol from Rostov on September 19. It is owned by the sub-sanctioned shipping company “Reka-More”, reports RBC-Ukraine.

According to vessel traffic monitoring sites, the tug is currently heading back to Rostov.

The vessel can be used to tow a barge with stolen metal, which has been in the Mariupol port since the occupation.

Previously, USM reported that three vessels with rolled metal left Mariupol for Rostov з Маріуполя до Ростова вийшли три судна in July.  AIS was disabled on all of them.