The Russians poisoned the Seim River: Ukraine banned the use of water in three regions

The Russians poisoned the Seim River: Ukraine banned the use of water in three regions

The Russians poisoned the Seim River in Kurk region, which flows into the Desna. Swimming and fishing have been banned in three regions of Ukraine.

Starting from August 14, the Russians caused large-scale pollution of the river – probably due to the dumping of waste of unknown substances, the State Fisheries Agency reported.

During the hydrochemical analysis of surface water samples of the Seim River, a significant excess of the maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants, in particular, ammonium and suspended solids, was found.

As a result of pollution, due to the critically low oxygen content in the water (less than 1 mg/l at the minimum permissible norm of 4 mg/l), fish died en masse. Criminal proceedings were opened based on this fact.

Currently, the pollution has spread throughout the water area of ​​the Seim River within the Sumy region and reached Chernihiv region. Black water, the smell of rot, ammonia and dead fish can be detected, in particular, near the city of Baturyn. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water remains critically low.

In this regard, the Konotop District Commission for Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergency Situations adopted a decision regarding a temporary ban (until a special order) on swimming, fishing and the use of water for economic needs from the Seim River in the territory of Novoslobidska, Bochechkivska, Popivska villages , Burynska, Putivlska, Krolevetska urban territorial communities.

Currently, fish protection patrols of the State Fisheries Agency, together with other state bodies, are conducting all necessary measures to eliminate the consequences of an ecological disaster. In particular, patrols collect and bury dead fish in compliance with all necessary sanitary standards.

Earlier, USM reported that research will be conducted at the Kakhovska HPP dam with the help of UNESCO.