The sanctioned gas carrier was exposed for transshipment of Russian LNG from ship to ship

The sanctioned gas carrier was exposed for transshipment of Russian LNG from ship to ship

A sub-sanctioned gas carrier tried to transfer a cargo of Russian LNG at sea using the ship-to-ship method.

The gas tanker Pioneer, which came under US sanctions on August 23, is offloading LNG to another vessel in the Mediterranean, Bloomberg  reports.

As of August 27, according to satellite images, Pioneer was anchored next to another vessel, about 30 km northeast of Port Said, Egypt. It appears to have been transferring cargo from ship to ship, an operation that is rare for liquefied gas.

Previously, the receiving vessel is New Energy, which is not subject to sanctions.

This is the first shipment from the Russian Arctic LNG 2 plant, which was subject to US sanctions last year.

It will be recalled that the US Ministry of Finance imposed sanctions against seven gas carriers that are involved in the so-called shadow fleet of Russia.