The scandalous liner is going to Georgia again – with “stars” who supported the war

The Astoria Grande cruise ship plans to visit Batumi in Georgia again. This time among the passengers are Russian celebrities who supported the war against Ukraine.
Today, July 29, Astoria Grande will again depart from Sochi on a route that includes a stop in Batumi, reports rosZMI.
This time, Russian tourists are offered a cruise with the stars of the RU.TV channel — they will perform on the stage of the liner.
Among the “honored guests” is the former soloist of the Hi-Fi band Mitya Fomin. Last year, he took part in the patriotic marathon “For Russia” in support of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine introduced sanctions against Fomin.
Fomin has been banned from entering Ukraine since 2017 — after his statement that Crimea belongs to Russia. On June 1, 2022, Lithuania banned the entry of the patriot Fomin.
Fomin recently said that he is ready to go to the front lines as a medic.
Among the participants of the “star” cruise is the Russian music group Te100steron, founded by brothers Andriy and Valery Birbichadze, who were born in Kazakhstan and later moved to the Russian Federation.
On July 27, the band, together with Oleg Gazmanov’s son Rodion, performed in Nizhny Novgorod in front of military personnel undergoing treatment in a military hospital of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Earlier, the Birbichadze brothers performed in front of the Russian soldiers of the Semeniv regiment in Moscow.
Dmitrii Koldun, a Belarusian singer who performed a concert at People’s Republic of Donetsk in 2018, will also arrive in Batumi on a cruise ship.
Astoria Grande will arrive in Batumi on July 31. Performers and passengers of the cruise ship may not cross the border of Georgia, but remain on the ship in the port of Batumi until its departure.
The cost of a “star” cruise on the route Sochi-Trabzon-Batumi-Amasra-Istanbul-Sochi is about 1100 US dollars.
We will remind, on July 27, the Astoria Grande cruise ship already entered the Batumi port. There were more than 800 people on board the ship, most of whom were citizens of the Russian Federation. The arrival of the ship in Georgia caused outrage in the opposition and many citizens. There was an action in Batumi against the arrival of the liner, and it left the Batumi port on the evening of July 27.
USM previously reported that a few months ago, the Georgian government denied the news about Russian cruises passing through the port of Batumi.