The soviet name of the tug was changed in the Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyy port

The soviet name of the tug was changed in the Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyy port

SE “Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyy Sea Trade Port” changed the name of the tugboat of the port fleet. In the context of decommunization, the tug “Emelyan Pugachev” was renamed “St. Ioann Sochavsky”.

“SE “Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyy Sea Trade Port” joined the process of getting rid of the consequences of communist ideology. Saint John of Sochavsky is the patron saint of trade, sailors, all of Bessarabia and the city of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi,” the port said.

Previously, USM reported that the Belgorod-Dniestrovskyy port handled more cargo in half a year than in the last three years in total. After the announcement in April about the operation of the port in the format of a logistics center, the enterprise processed almost all types of grain and several types of MMC products.