The US Navy has ordered maritime attack drones similar to Ukrainian ones

The US Navy has ordered maritime attack drones similar to Ukrainian ones

The United States has ordered maritime attack drones that resemble Ukrainian Magura drones for its Navy.

Swiftships has developed its own small unmanned surface vessel (sUSV) — the Swift-Sea-Stalker, the developer announced.

“The delivery of these S3 USVs underscores our commitment to supporting the US Department of Defense and allied forces in strengthening their maritime security capabilities,” commented Group CEO Tim Carter.

According to him, these drones “represent the latest technology in unmanned surface vessels, providing unparalleled versatility and efficiency in security operations.”

The S3 USVs are specially designed for surveillance and interception missions, particularly in difficult waterways in conflict regions around the world, including the Horn of Africa (Somali Peninsula) and South China. With the ability to operate remotely or autonomously, the S3 offers unparalleled flexibility and efficiency in maritime operations.

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, the USV S3 boasts a top speed of over 30 knots with an effective range of 1,000 nautical miles, as well as 40 hours of endurance. This allows partner countries to monitor and effectively respond to threats along their coastlines.