Thousands of unaccounted for spare parts were found in the UDS

Thousands of unaccounted for spare parts were found in the UDS

During the inventory on the vessels of PJSC “Ukrainian Danube Shipping”, thousands of unaccounted for spare parts were discovered.

Almost three thousand new spare parts were found on eight ships, as well as two thousand second-hand ones, which were not entered by the crews in the inventory books, the UDS reported.

This means that the company provided spare parts, and repairs were performed fictitiously.

The spare parts were removed, and the assessment of the damage caused to the enterprise is ongoing. UDS transfers materials to law enforcement agencies.

The UDS also said that for this reason, “representatives of one of the “alternative” trade unions” are writing letters to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy demanding the immediate removal of the management of the shipping company.

In turn, the UDS administration appealed to the primary trade union with an appeal to urgently review the situation. Fictitious repair work performed by some representatives of the shipyard led to the laundering of the company’s funds.

Earlier, USM reported that UDS is switching to a 6-hour workday due to the transportation crisis on the Danube.

Also, to minimize the consequences of the crisis, the UDS and the trade union will create a working group.