UCAB will sue the Antimonopoly Committee through Ukrzaliznytsia

UCAB will sue the Antimonopoly Committee through Ukrzaliznytsia

“Ukrainian Club of Agrarian Business” (UCAB) filed a lawsuit in court to review the decision of the Antimonopoly Committee  regarding “Ukrzaliznytsia”.

UCAB demands a review of the decision of Anti-monopoly Commitee regarding the abuse of Ukrzaliznytsia’s monopoly position on the freight transportation market. “APK-Inform” writes about this.

The association demands to renew the investigation and to take the legal measures to protect economic competition.

It will be recalled that in April 2023 UCAB submitted a statement to the Antimonopoly Committee against JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia”. The statement stated that UZ occupies a monopoly position on the railway market and uses this position to its advantage.

In particular, Ukrzaliznytsia is accused of the following actions:

• creating an artificial deficit when renting grain trucks;

• limitation of offer at auctions of services for the use of grain trucks;

• lack of a transparent mechanism for informing about the sequence of crossing the border.

As noted in UKAB, as a result of these actions, conditions were created for higher transportation prices for grain producers and, accordingly, higher prices for goods for the final consumer. As a result, this leads to a restriction of competition in the market and a negative impact on consumers.

The Antimonopoly Committee refused to consider the case, referring to the non-disclosure of the facts of violation of the law on the part of UZ. For its part, on June 17, 2024, UCAB filed a claim with the court to invalidate the Anti-monopoly Commitee decision, cancel it, and resume the investigation.