UDS and the trade union will create a working group to minimize the consequences of the crisis

UDS and the trade union will create a working group to minimize the consequences of the crisis

The administration of PJSC “UDS” and the primary trade union organization agreed to create a working group, the purpose of which is to minimize the negative consequences of the crisis on the river transportation market.

This week, a meeting was held with the participation of representatives of the trade union committee of PPO PJSC “UDS” and the sectoral Marine Transport Workers Trade Union of Ukraine of Ukraine (MTWTUU), the UDP said in a statement.

The participants of the meeting were provided with information about the economic state of the enterprise.

The UDS noted that compared to last year, the Danube river fleet significantly reduced the volume of transportation. The crisis affected all carriers. The reason for the deterioration of the indicators is the drop in freight rates, which is due to the reorientation of export cargoes to the ports of Odesa.

“Yes, in the conditions of falling freight rates, the shipping industry is forced to cut costs. Unfortunately, optimization cannot but affect the company’s personnel. After all, most of the company’s current expenses are related to the salary fund,” the company explained.

The CEO Dmytro Moskalenko emphasized that the joint task of the administration and the trade union committee is to find the least painful ways for the team to optimize costs, to ensure effective control over compliance with the law.

“The company is not interested in losing specialists in any case, the bonus system of awarding the fleet will be preserved, but the burden on the company’s labor fund as a whole must correspond to economic realities. We expect solutions from the working group that will take into account all the mentioned factors,” said Dmytro Moskalenko at the end of the meeting.

The head of the primary trade union organization, Anatoliy Nikolaev, emphasized that his personal position is that the trade union cannot agree to reductions, no matter what arguments the administration gives.

“The function of the trade union is to exercise public control over compliance with the legislation, participate in consultations, and provide recommendations. The trade union is always for the preservation of personnel,” added Anatoliy Nikolaev.

The participants of the meeting expressed a common position that in the case of staff optimization, all requirements of the law must be met.

As previously reported by USM, the UDS commented on the mass layoffs of the crew members. Subsequently, the company formed the first crew on a contract basis. First of all, the contract was offered to former shipping workers.