UDS conducted an online survey for employees – what has become known

The trade union organization “UDS” handed over to the company’s administration lists of questions prepared by representatives of the labor team.
“The trade union offered to answer questions during the meeting. However, in view of the mass rocket fire that the enemy is carrying out across Ukraine, we are starting to answer questions online,” the UDS noted.
The company noted that the lists of questions were anonymous. In this way, the company’s employees could express themselves absolutely freely.
Answers to the questions:
What about paying short-staffed crew members?
If the crew goes on a flight with an incomplete crew, the surcharge is calculated according to the terms of the Collective Agreement. An employee cannot receive an additional payment for a crew member with a higher qualification. For example, a sailor cannot replace an electromechanic.
Why is the fleet at a standstill? Who is to blame?
River freight rates have fallen to record lows this year. There is no cargo. Grain is again exported through Odesa ports. The volumes of iron ore raw materials are very small. It is more appropriate to temporarily put part of the fleet in the doldrums than to operate at a loss and create debt.
How is the issue of booking crews resolved?
As an enterprise critically important for the economy, we have the right to reserve 50% of conscripts. With the approval of the relevant ministry, they turned to the Ministry of Defense to increase this percentage to 80%, because the fleet consists mainly of conscripted men. We are waiting for approval. In any case, the preference for booking is given to representatives of the fleet.
Fixation of teams by ships.
In “UDP” a unified staffing schedule for the floating warehouse has been approved. It is nonsense when a full-time employee agrees to work on only one vessel. No other shipping company has this. If you are in the state and there is a job for you, then you need to work, or switch to a contract and go on flights at your own will.
Contracts – how does it work, what are the terms?
The conditions for taking a flight on a contract practically do not differ from working in the state. The payment is almost the same except for certain nuances. There is no additional payment for an absent crew member, but compensation for days off is paid immediately. The terms of the contract are defined in accordance with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation.
Note that more answers to questions can be found on the UDS page.