UDS repaired 20 barges in two months

UDS repaired 20 barges in two months

“Ukrainian Danube Shipping” continues to reform its fleet maintenance infrastructure.

Since the beginning of 2023, the company has reorganized its approach to ship repair. Now the work on the inter-flight repair of sections is concentrated on the repair station of the non-self-propelled fleet of BTOF. In the fourth bay, a section for the repair of the non-self-propelled fleet has been organized at the base of the 322 boathouse (96 km), the UDS noted.

“Earlier, the repair crew from 96 km of the Danube went by boat to the lower road, where there were barges being repaired. The transition from the 4th bay took three hours, which meant loss of working time, consumption of fuel and motor resources of the boat. The work was carried out in an area with a strong current (on the road) and a person who fell overboard could be dragged under water, despite a life jacket. In the backwater, such risks are minimized,” the company’s press service reported.

Currently, the UDS is equipping the shore infrastructure to support production processes: it lays power grids and transition ladders from the shore and between barges.

As the company noted, during January-February, 20 barges were repaired at the non-self-propelled fleet repair site. It is reported that the costs of time and materials have decreased due to a new approach to the organization of work.

The next stage of the reform will be the formation of a complete infrastructure for servicing the UDP fleet in the fourth bay. An environmental audit, expansion of the ship repair infrastructure and strengthening of the security and control system are also planned.