Ukraine needs at least $30 billion to restore the agricultural sector

Ukraine needs at least $30 billion to restore the agricultural sector

To restore the agricultural sector, Ukraine needs at least 30 billion dollars.

According to the latest estimates, the war caused $40.2 billion in damage to the Ukrainian agricultural sector, reports Latifundist with reference to the KSE Agrocenter report.

In particular, the agricultural sector of Ukraine suffered $8.7 billion in direct losses — $2.1 billion more than the estimate last November.

The largest sum of losses — $6 billion — is due to destroyed or damaged agricultural machinery and storage facilities for manufactured products.

Indirect losses amounted to $31.5 billion — $2.76 billion less than the estimate in November 2022. In this category, the most losses are related to the reduction of crop production, and they account for almost half of all indirect costs, namely $14.3 billion.

To restore the agricultural industry, Ukraine needs at least $29.7 billion.