Ukraine will allocate more than 400 million for inland waterways in 2025

Ukraine will allocate more than 400 million for inland waterways in 2025

From the draft law on the state budget-2025, it became known that the government plans to spend more than UAH 400 million on the functioning of inland waterways in 2025.

This is reported by USM with reference to the explanatory note to the bill draft.

In particular, they plan to spend UAH 409.1 million, of which UAH 39 million will come from the general fund and UAH 370.1 million from the special fund. The funds will be taken from the state road fund, created as part of a special fund of the state budget.

It is explained that the funds are planned to be directed to:

• maintenance, reconstruction, repair, technical re-equipment and protection of shipping locks;

• maintenance of inland waterways to keep them in navigable condition;

• operation, reconstruction, repair and development of the river information service;

• navigation and hydrographic support for shipping on inland waterways, etc.

At the beginning of this year, USM announced that more than $53 million will be allocated for the restoration of Ukraine’s internal waterways.