Ukraine will hold the Second Peace Summit: the theme is a maritime state

Ukraine will hold the Second Peace Summit: the theme is a maritime state

The President of Ukraine said that Ukraine will have time to prepare a document for the Second Peace Summit by November 2024.

This was announced by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a press conference on Tuesday.

According to him, the authorities of Ukraine are actively working diplomatically on a comprehensive document for the Second Peace Summit and hope to have time to prepare it by November this year.

“We are consistent. We had an energy peace summit. The energy issue has been raised, a detailed document is being prepared. The second meeting is by sea, the third is a humanitarian aspect, including the return of children. I think that we will do everything and make it in time for November,” the head of state shared his plans.

It will be recalled that during the First Peace Summit, which was held in Switzerland this year, the participants of the summit supported the position of Ukraine regarding the protection of ports. In particular, the leaders of the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America confirmed that the full-scale war caused the increase in food prices in their countries.

In February, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that one of the tangible results of the implementation of the Ukrainian peace formula should be free and safe navigation in the Black Sea.