Ukrainian cadets of the Naval Institute completed their training on a Polish ship

Ukrainian cadets of the Naval Institute completed their training on a Polish ship

The Polish ship ORP Wodnik with representatives of the Ukrainian Naval Institute on board returned to its home port of Gdynia after a two-month training trip.

ORP Wodnik belongs to the Polish Naval Academy named after the Heroes of Westerplatte, but for the past two months, Ukrainian sailors have also trained on it.

As the Navy of the Ukrainian Armed Force said, the Wodnik traveled almost 10,000 nautical miles. From Gdynia, he headed to the Great Belt and Kattegat straits, after which he entered the North Sea. Then there was the English Channel, the Atlantic, the Strait of Gibraltar.

The ship spent three days in Ceuta, Spain. Next – the Mediterranean Sea, where Wodnik visited the Croatian Split and the Italian port of Civitavecchia. Nine more days — and a stop in Le Havre, which is in French Normandy. From there, the ship headed to its home port.

The future officers learned many skills, as well as learned the structure of ORP Wodnik and got acquainted with the peculiarities of carrying out naval service on ships of the navies of NATO countries.