Ukroliaprom demands “fair access” to the grain corridor

The association of participants in the oil and fat industry “Ukroliyaprom” considers the current situation with access to exports through the grain corridor to be unfair and unsettled.
The association proposes to solve the problem with quotas and the queue of agricultural products for export by sea by a government resolution. According to experts, the resolution will fix quotas for each sector of the agricultural sector and form a transparent and understandable queue for all exporters.
“Logistics issues have come to the fore in the work of the industry. The inability to ship manufactured products leads to the need to stop factories. This should not happen even in the difficult conditions of the war in the country,” Stepan Kapshuk, general director of the Ukroliyaprom association, said at a press conference in Interfax-Ukraine .
He noted that the oil and fat industry occupies 30% in the structure of the Ukrainian agricultural industry and 70% in the structure of the production of goods with added value. In addition, the export of oils and fats brings 15% of foreign exchange earnings from all exports of the country.
According to Kapshuk, India and China have traditionally been the largest importers of Ukrainian oil. However, due to confusion in the formation of quotas for the export of agricultural products, Ukraine is losing its position in India, Kapshuk noted.
The head of “Ukroliyaprom” stated that the industry association will demand the allocation of priority quotas to factories located in ports for the export of oil and fat products. The situation can be solved by the allocation of 15 tankers per month to the industry, which will export the products accumulated in the ports, he believes.