Ukrzaliznytsia banned transportation to the address of a sanctioned company in Poland

Ukrzaliznytsia banned transportation to the address of a sanctioned company in Poland

JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” banned the transportation of goods to the address of the russian “First Battery Company”. Previously, the company was included in the list of sanctioned enterprises in Poland.

The available data indicate that “Pervaya akkummulatornaya kompaniya” LLC (the head office is located in Moscow) is an organization that participates in international trade with subjects of EU countries, Rail.insider reports with reference to the decision on the website of the Polish government.

“The components and assemblies obtained in this way are used in the weapons systems of the armed forces of russian federation, including in vehicles and tanks participating in war operations in Ukraine. Thus, this entity bears direct material and financial responsibility for supporting the aggression of russian federation against Ukraine,” the Polish government believes.

As noted on the website of Ukrzaliznytsia, the convention has been introduced for all cargo and wagons since January 4. The ban will be in effect “until cancelled”.