What are the chances of resuming exports to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Hungary after September 15

What are the chances of resuming exports to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Hungary after September 15

Ukrainian export-oriented enterprises face great challenges in their work. Companies have to look for new logistics routes, which are constantly being rebuilt, taking into account the impact of security and economic factors. At the same time, Ukrainian business is not always welcome abroad, and this is eloquently evidenced by the restriction of our export activity, which was introduced by the EU until September 15.

Will this restriction be removed?

In order to analyze the possible dynamics of the development of events, it is necessary to understand the key reason why the restriction was introduced. The products exported from Ukraine to the EU countries create a high supply index on the local markets. This, in turn, leads to dumping. European manufacturers are suffering, and they are also forced to reduce prices.

This is the situation where, on the one hand, Ukraine is supported and encouraged in every possible way, and on the other hand, the markets of the EU countries bear a heavy economic burden. Therefore, despite the hope for the best, it is worth realistically assessing potential prospects.

Recently, the chairman of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council stated in one of his radio broadcasts that it is extremely important to achieve the lifting of export restrictions. Will there be enough arguments in Ukrainian diplomacy to make this happen? Maybe. However, it would be extremely naive to count on this as a 100 percent approximate prospect.

In view of all the above, you need to believe in the best, but be prepared for different scenarios of events.