What does the port of Mykolaiv expect in the next 10 years?

The Ministry of Infrastructure has approved a new Development Plan for the port of Mykolaiv for the short (5 years), medium (10 years) and long term (25 years) perspectives.
Thus, over the next 10 years, USPA will carry out the reconstruction of berths No. 0, No. 1 and No. 7 in the port of Mykolaiv at its own expense. Berths No. 8 and No. 14, and transshipment complexes will also be built.
DSSK and COFCO will carry out the reconstruction and modernization of the transshipment complex in the rear of berths No. 1 and No. 2 by creating infrastructure facilities, access and automobile routes, etc., for the development of berth No. 0.
Within the next 5 years, the BUNGE group of companies will carry out the reconstruction of the complex in the rear of berths 13-14, as well as build a temporary transport overpass No. 5 on the Zavodska street of Mykolaiv city. Within 10 years, the company will build access roads (21, 22, 59) and a warehouse for storing vegetable oil, with the arrangement of an access road and a parking for trucks.
Within 25 years, BUNGE will build a production and transshipment complex in the rear of berths No. 13-14, reconstruct warehouses No. 8, 9, and site No. 5, as well as build a boiler house and a loading terminal. In addition, in order to improve the environmental situation, the company will build treatment facilities in the area of berth No. 13.
In the next 5 years, Aventin LLC plans to build facilities for the Aventin port transshipment complex for maritime transport. Within 10 years, the company will build berths on the territory of the complex. And in 25 years, the operating water area of the company and the approach channel to it should already start working in the port of Mykolaiv.
USM recently wrote that back in 2018, the Aventina project was promised to be completed in 18 months. Its cost was estimated at $58.2 million with a payback period of 7.5 years. In the Port Development Plan (2018), Aventin was listed as a “medium-term” project, that is, implemented within 10 years.
However, in fact, Aventin started with the purchase of land for the terminal, and the project is at this stage to this day.