White House: new defense package will help Ukraine protect ports

White House: new defense package will help Ukraine protect ports

On Wednesday, the Pentagon announced a new package of defense aid to Ukraine. It was revealed today that it contains tools to help strengthen port security.

“These capabilities will become increasingly important, especially now that Russia has withdrawn from the Grains Agreement and renewed attacks on port cities, which we have seen in the last two days,” White House spokeswoman Karin Jean-Pierre said .

She reminded that, among many types of weapons and equipment, the new package includes means to ensure the security of ports and harbors, which should strengthen the security of the port infrastructure of Ukraine.

Jean-Pierre also emphasized that the US will continue to support Ukraine’s efforts to ensure grain access to international markets. In this regard, she recalled the statement of USAID administrator Samantha Power regarding the US intentions to allocate hundreds of millions of dollars to support Ukrainian agricultural enterprises, provide loans, grants for business, etc.

In addition, the representative of the White House noted the contribution of other countries of the region, in particular Romania, in improving land access for Ukrainian grain to international markets.

“Therefore, we will continue to help Ukraine not only in the short-term, but also in the long-term,” the spokeswoman of the White House assured.