World wheat prices rose after the Russian attacks on the ports of Odesa and Reni

World wheat prices rose after the Russian attacks on the ports of Odesa and Reni

Russian shelling of Odesa and Rhenia ports caused a jump in wheat prices in the world.

After the drone attack on the port of Reni and shelling of the port of Odesa, prices on international markets jumped, Mind reports.

On the morning of July 24, the price of wheat for September delivery on the Chicago Stock Exchange was almost 6% higher than at the previous close.

World markets are worried about the deteriorating grain supply situation after Russia pulled out of the Grain Agreement last week and began targeting Ukrainian port infrastructure on a daily basis.

We will remind you that on the night of July 24, the Russians once again attacked the port infrastructure of Odesa Region. This time the port of Reni was affected. As a result of the attack, three grain warehouses were destroyed. The blast wave damaged the windows of buildings and structures at the enterprise.

In particular, as a result of the attack in the port, the containers of Maersk, a global container carrier, were damaged.

Read also: Drone attack on Danube ports: Ukraine’s allies commented on Russian terrorism