A representative office of the Shipping Register of Ukraine will be opened in Poland

A representative office of the Shipping Register of Ukraine will be opened in Poland

The Polish Shipping Register and the Shipping Register of Ukraine are strengthening cooperation.

This was announced by the head of the Shipping Administration, Yevhenii Ignatenko.  

Thus, on July 25, a meeting of representatives of both institutions was held at the headquarters of the Polish Shipping Register. The main topic of discussion was the opening of a representative office of the Register of Shipping of Ukraine.

A representative office will be opened in the Polish city of Gdansk. They are also planning to hold a joint scientific and practical seminar.

“Currently, practical implementation of plans and measures for the implementation of current agreements is underway between the institutions. An important element of cooperation can be assistance in the certification of Ukrainian products for the EU market. It was also about the joint design and construction of ships within the framework of cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian design bureaus,” said Yevgenii Ignatenko.

He added that concrete steps are currently being discussed, including innovations in shipbuilding.

For his part, Consul of Ukraine Oleksandr Plodistiy emphasized that in Ukraine factories are mostly located near the front line.

“Therefore, the development or creation of new projects depends very much on this line and whether this infrastructure will be destroyed or not. Today we start with small steps, with small projects. PRS can help Ukraine in licensing products that go to the EU market, because Poland has the right to vote as a member of the European Union,” the consul noted.

As previously reported by USM, starting from August 16, 2023, the SE “Classification Society Shipping Register of Ukraine” created five new departments.