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Russia is again trying to obstruct the operation of the Ukrainian maritime corridor

Russia has announced the closure of a zone of maritime space in the Black Sea allegedly for “military exercises”.

3.01.2024 – 15:00
Poland will not lift the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain for the time being

The new Polish government will not yet cancel the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain introduced on September 15, 2023.

3.01.2024 – 14:25
The administration of the Sulina Channel has reduced the tariff for ships

The administration of the Sulina channel has almost halved the canal fee.

3.01.2024 – 13:00
Shipping through the Dardanelles was temporarily closed

Due to dangerous weather conditions, Turkey suspended the transit of ships through the Dardanelles Strait.

3.01.2024 – 12:20
Harvest Commodities will build new facilities at the port of Izmail

The Swiss distributor of agricultural products Harvest Commodities has invested in the development of Danube ports.

3.01.2024 – 11:40
Адміністрація судноплавства змінила вартість послуг: актуальні ціни
The Shipping Administration has changed the cost of services: current prices

The Ukrainian Shipping Administration has changed the cost of services for seafarers.

3.01.2024 – 11:00
Туреччина не пустить у Чорне море українські тральщики від Великобританії
Turkey will not allow Ukrainian minesweepers from Great Britain into the Black Sea

Turkey will not let Ukrainian minesweepers “Chernihiv” (M310) and “Cherkasy” (M311) through its straits into the Black Sea.

3.01.2024 – 09:40
The sea export of Ukrainian ore can reach 3 million tons per month

Under the condition of stable operation of the sea corridor, the export of ore in the first quarter of 2024 may reach 2-3 million tons per month.

2.01.2024 – 17:20
In Greece, spies who took pictures of the Navy fleet base were detained

In Greece, two Polish citizens were detained for photographing a military facility — the country’s Navy base.

2.01.2024 – 16:30
The new generation of SBU sea drones is capable of naval combat

SeaBaby surface drones of the Security Service of Ukraine not only carry explosives, but can also shoot at the enemy.

2.01.2024 – 15:00
Хусити тримають у заручниках трьох українських моряків з захопленого судна
The Houthis are holding hostage three Ukrainian sailors from a captured ship

The Marine Transport Workers Trade Union of Ukraine talked about the situation with Ukrainian sailors being taken hostage in the Red Sea.

2.01.2024 – 14:20
Українські спецслужби розповіли, як морські дрони атакували фрегат рф «Адмирал Макаров»
Ukrainian special services told how naval drones attacked the Russian frigate “Admiral Makarov”

Details of the military operation during which naval drones attacked the Russian frigate “Admiral Makarov” were disclosed by the Ukrainian special services.

2.01.2024 – 13:20
Катер із російськими туристами врізався у скелю в Таїланді: є загибла
A boat with Russian tourists crashed into a rock in Thailand: one person died

In Thailand, a boat with Russian tourists crashed into the rocks. She died in an accident.

2.01.2024 – 12:40
Rosneft’s exports to India fell sharply

Shipments of Russian crude oil decreased significantly in the last months of last year.

2.01.2024 – 11:40
The EU banned the import of Russian diamonds

An embargo on the direct import of Russian diamonds to EU countries has come into effect.

2.01.2024 – 10:20
More than 10 million tons of goods have already been exported through the maritime corridor

In less than half a year, more than 10 million tons of goods have already been exported through the Ukrainian maritime corridor.

2.01.2024 – 09:35
Ports received 1.7 million tons of agricultural products by rail in December

More than 1,783,000 grain cargoes were transported to seaports of Ukraine in 27 days of December.

29.12.2023 – 16:20
This year, UDS increased the volume of transportation to 1.8 million tons

“Ukrainian Danube Shipping” summed up the results of 2023. Among them is an increase in the volume of transportation, repair of the fleet, as well as the return of sea vessels.

29.12.2023 – 15:30