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Vaskov: ports on the Danube process 120,000 tons of cargo per day

Yurii Vaskov spoke about the main achievements in the direction of increasing the turnover of Ukrainian exports.

29.12.2023 – 14:40
More than 8,000 wagons with agricultural products are moving in the direction of sea ports

Currently, 8,151 wagons with grain cargoes are heading to the ports of Great Odesa.

29.12.2023 – 13:50
Zelenskyy: exports through the maritime corridor have already crossed the mark of 12 million tons of cargo

More than 12 million tons of goods have already been transported through the maritime corridor in the Black Sea.

29.12.2023 – 13:00
Ukraine and Moldova are synchronizing electronic queues at the common border

The governments of Moldova and Ukraine are developing a plan to synchronize electronic queue systems for motor vehicles.

29.12.2023 – 10:45
Росіяни вкрали 8 млн тонн зерна на окупованих територіях України
The Ukrainian agricultural sector may lose $3 billion in 2023

Losses of the Ukrainian agricultural sector in 2023 may reach 3 billion dollars.

29.12.2023 – 09:50
США передали Україні 16 зерновозів у грудні
The USA handed over 16 grain trucks to Ukraine in December

The United States handed over 16 grain trucks to Ukrainian farmers so that they could increase the volume of transportation.

29.12.2023 – 08:30
Українсько-словацький кордон розблокували для проїзду вантажівок
The blockade of the Ukrainian border will soon end – the Polish government

The Polish government is getting closer to the possibility of ending blockades by truckers at several border crossings with Ukraine.

28.12.2023 – 17:45
Samsung Heavy Industries shipyard stops cooperation with the Russian Federation

The South Korean shipyard Samsung Heavy Industries has announced that it will stop participating in the construction of gas carriers for Russia.

28.12.2023 – 16:30
The Shipping Administration created an Expert Council

Specialists of the Expert Council will participate in the development of documents, which in particular concern seafarers.

28.12.2023 – 15:40
Kernel plans to expand its fleet

Currently, two Kernel vessels export Ukrainian products, while the company is already working on increasing the fleet.

28.12.2023 – 14:50
Україна скоротила експорт агропродукції на 9 млн тонн
Ukraine reduced exports of agricultural products by 9 million tons

In line with the marketing process, Ukraine reduced the export of agricultural products by 9 million tons.

28.12.2023 – 14:00
Ukraine is working on the maritime export of Mining and metallurgical complex cargo

In September, the first ships with metal went through the temporary sea corridor, and in November, the overall increase in sea exports was recorded by 70%.

28.12.2023 – 12:30
Росіяни вивозять зерно з Феодосії після атаки на «Новочеркаськ»
Russians export grain from Feodosia after the attack on Novocherkassk

After the attack on the large landing ship “Novocherkask”, the Russians began to transport grain from Feodosia to Kerch.

28.12.2023 – 11:40
A Panamanian ship encountered a Russian mine in the Black Sea (photo)

A Panamanian-flagged bulker encountered a sea mine near the mouth of the Danube. There are no victims among the crew members.

28.12.2023 – 10:50
A French pilot boat will operate on the Danube

The pilot boat that Ukraine will receive from France will operate on the Danube.

27.12.2023 – 17:10
Україна скоротила експорт агропродукції на 9 млн тонн
Export of grain from the Russian Federation decreased by almost 30%

The volume of grain exports from Russia in December fell by almost 30% compared to las

27.12.2023 – 16:30
Росіяни розміщують в порту Бердянська боєприпаси, ППО та особовий склад
The Russians are placing ammunition, anti-aircraft defense and personnel in the port of Berdyansk

The Russians turned the occupied port of Berdyansk into a military base. They place weapons and personnel there.

27.12.2023 – 14:50
A new director for reforms was appointed in the Ministry of Reconstruction

Anatoliy Tymenko was appointed director of the reconstruction and reform support team of the Ministry of Reconstruction.

27.12.2023 – 13:00