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ПРМТУ проінспектувала судно, на яке скаржились моряки в Ізмаїлі
Maritime Transport Workers Trade Union inspected the vessel, which the seamen in Izmail complained about

The owner of the ship “Zuzanna”, whose crew members complained about terrible working conditions, responded to the request of the Maritime Transport Workers Trade Union.

4.12.2023 – 14:20
Sea transportation between the Russian Federation and Iran has increased significantly

In recent months, the volume of shipments between Russia and Iran has increased significantly.

4.12.2023 – 12:20
Freight rates in the Black Sea for the transportation of grain are falling

Transportation of agricultural products from the Danube and Great Odesa ports continues to become cheaper.

4.12.2023 – 11:40
Українські полярники прокопали сніговий тунель, аби швидко розвантажити «Ноосферу»
Ukrainian polar explorers dug a snow tunnel to quickly unload the “Noosphere”

Polar scientists at the Ukrainian station “Akademik Vernadskyi” dug a snow tunnel for more than a week before the arrival of the icebreaker “Noosphere”.

4.12.2023 – 11:20
Українські полярники прокопали сніговий тунель, аби швидко розвантажити «Ноосферу»
Ukrainian polar explorers dug a snow tunnel to quickly unload the “Noosfera”

Polar scientists at the Ukrainian station “Akademik Vernadskyi” dug a snow tunnel for more than a week before the arrival of the icebreaker “Noosfera”.

4.12.2023 – 11:00
У Польщі протестувальники заблокували катер для військових потреб України
In Poland, protesters blocked a boat for the military needs of Ukraine

On the Polish-Ukrainian border, protesters blocked an American patrol boat destined for Ukraine.

4.12.2023 – 08:30
Фінляндія вважає, що китайське судно навмисно пошкодило газопровід Balticconnector
Finland believes that the Chinese ship deliberately damaged the Balticconnector gas pipeline

In Finland, it is believed that the damage to the Balticconnector underwater gas pipeline at the beginning of October was not accidental.

3.12.2023 – 12:00
США ввели санкції проти ще трьох компаній та суден, які ігнорували «стелю цін» на роснафту
The US imposed sanctions against three more companies and ships that ignored the “price ceiling” for Rosneft

The United States has imposed sanctions on three companies and three vessels involved in the sale of Russian oil at a price higher than the “price ceiling.”

2.12.2023 – 12:30
Словацькі перевізники погрожують заблокувати кордон з Україною
More than 900 trucks are waiting in line at the border between Ukraine and Slovakia

More than 900 trucks are waiting in line to enter Ukraine at the border with Slovakia.

2.12.2023 – 12:00
The Russians attacked an infrastructure facility in Odesa region

Russian troops once again attacked Odesa region with Shahed-131/136 attack drones.

2.12.2023 – 11:40
The USA is looking for a way to make the “shadow fleet” of the Russian Federation less effective

The US government plans to halve Russia’s income from oil and gas sales by 2030, emphasizing the maintenance of sanctions for many years.

1.12.2023 – 17:30
Oleksandr Kubrakov commented on the new composition of the IMO Council

Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov noted that Russia did not get into the new IMO Council for 2024-2025.

1.12.2023 – 16:45
Ukraine and Poland are developing measures to unblock the border

A meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine and Poland was held in Warsaw to unblock the border.

1.12.2023 – 16:05
The IMO Assembly approved the appointment of a new Secretary General

The Assembly approved the decision of the IMO Council to appoint Arsenio Antonio Domínguez Velasco as the new Secretary General of the organization.

1.12.2023 – 14:40
British intelligence: the Russian Federation is arranging the development of naval drones

Russia has intensified the development of naval strike drones. It is planned to establish their serial production in 2024.

1.12.2023 – 13:50
The Russian Federation reduces oil supply to 500,000 barrels per day

Russia has reduced oil exports at least until the spring of 2024.oil

1.12.2023 – 13:10
Ukrainian imports will drop by 20% due to the blocking of the Polish border

Blocking of checkpoints on the border with Ukraine by Polish protesters will lead to the loss of 20% of Ukrainian imports.

1.12.2023 – 12:30
Renting grain trucks in December becomes more expensive

The cost of renting grain wagons will increase in December.

1.12.2023 – 11:50