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Defense Intelligence showed footage of raids on hydrocycles on the territory of Crimea (video)

In the video, you can see how special forces are preparing and carrying out a raid on the territory of temporarily occupied Crimea.

16.11.2023 – 13:20
Ukrainian grain traders will be able to save up to UAH 4 billion thanks to the new vessel insurance mechanism

Thanks to the new insurance mechanism for the insurance of the Black Sea Corridor vessels , Ukrainian grain traders will be able to save up to UAH 140 per ton of cargo.

16.11.2023 – 10:55
Зеленський: за місяць Україна перевезла 4 млн тонн зерна через Румунію і Болгарію
Zelenskyy: in a month, Ukraine transported 4 million tons of grain through Romania and Bulgaria

During the first month of operation of the parallel “grain corridor”, which runs overland through Romania and Bulgaria, Ukraine transported 4 million tons of grain.

16.11.2023 – 10:15
Словацькі перевізники погрожують заблокувати кордон з Україною
Slovak carriers threaten to block the border with Ukraine

The Union of Motor Carriers of Slovakia (UNAS) threatens to block the border to Ukrainian carriers.

16.11.2023 – 09:30
Russian shipyards are trying to sue the Finnish Wartsila

Five Russian shipbuilding companies sued Finnish ship equipment manufacturer Wartsila.

15.11.2023 – 17:00
Кабмін дозволив продавати арештовані активи за кордоном
Medvedchuk’s yacht won’t hide: the Cabinet of Ministers allowed the sale of seized assets abroad

The Cabinet of Ministers improved the procedure for the sale of seized assets and normalized their sale abroad.

15.11.2023 – 16:10
A Russian ship is again taking out stolen Ukrainian grain from Crimea

A Russian ship loaded with more than 27,000 tons of wheat left occupied Sevastopol.

15.11.2023 – 15:20
Denmark will inspect and detain tankers with Russian oil

The EU authorities can instruct Denmark to check and detain tankers with Russian oil transiting through its territorial waters.

15.11.2023 – 13:50
Федоров: Україна виробляє нові моделі морських дронів із «сюрпризами»
Fedorov: Ukraine produces new models of marine drones with “surprises”

Ukraine is actively increasing the production of new kamikaze surface drones with “surprises” for the Russians.

15.11.2023 – 13:00
UZ introduced a temporary ban on cargo transportation to the Odesa-Port station

JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” has introduced a convention regarding freight transportation in the direction of Odesa-Port station.

15.11.2023 – 12:15
Ukraine and Great Britain created a special vessel insurance mechanism

Ukraine managed to create a special insurance mechanism for ships that used the Ukrainian sea corridor.

15.11.2023 – 11:30
India will simplify the import of grain from Ukraine

In India, the procedure for importing Ukrainian grain will be eased — in particular, Ukrainian traders will be exempted from paying an additional fee.

15.11.2023 – 10:50
Latvia will allocate 50,000 euros for Grain from Ukraine

Latvia agreed to allocate 50,000 euros as a contribution to the Grain from Ukraine humanitarian program.

15.11.2023 – 10:10
More than 2,000 trucks are idle on the border with Poland

More than 2,000 vehicles are waiting in line at the border checkpoints.

15.11.2023 – 09:30
The Russian Federation almost completely bypasses the “price ceiling” for oil

In October 2023, the average price of Russian oil by sea was $80 per barrel.

14.11.2023 – 17:50
A sea mine was destroyed on the coast of Odesa region (video)

On Tuesday, November 14, a unit of the Navy of the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed another sea mine.

14.11.2023 – 17:10
The government took many measures to solve the problem of “black” grain, — Ministry of Agrarian Policy

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy says that the fight against “black” grain is already yielding results and will help farmers to take advantage of preferential lending.

14.11.2023 – 16:30
Висоцький: український агросектор залишиться збитковим у 2023 році
Vysotskyi: the Ukrainian agricultural sector will remain unprofitable in 2023

The Ukrainian agricultural sector will remain unprofitable this year due to a number of factors.

14.11.2023 – 15:50