Hydrofoil watercraft is actively working on the Dnister (photo)

Hydrofoil watercraft is actively working on the Dnister (photo)

For the third summer in a row, the motor ship “Nibulon Express-4” has been simplifying logistics in the Odesa region.

The picturesque landscapes that could be seen during the flight and the photos of the ship were published by the photographer Oleksandr Malyon.

According to him, there were also tourists on board the ship, because the potential of the route is very powerful. Thanks to the “Ovidiopol – Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi” connection, you can speed over the Dnister estuary to the Akkerman fortress.

“We have been friends with this bird for over 8 years. Together they flew to Kanev, Trakhtemirov, Sukholuchchya, Mezhihirya, Hola Prystan. Now the ship is working on the Dniester. The third summer of war simplifies logistics in Odesa,” Oleksandr Malyon noted.

We will remind you that during the last season, the motor ship “Nibulon Express-4” carried more than 11,000 passengers. This year, passenger transportation was resumed from May 10, flights across the Dniester estuary are carried out daily.