Ministry of Infrastructure will now manage roads

Ministry of Infrastructure will now manage roads

Today, during the meeting, the Cabinet of Ministers entrusted the Ministry of Infrastructure with the management of public roads.

The government decided to amend the fourth paragraph of the Regulation on the Ministry of Infrastructure, and supplement it with a subparagraph of the following content: “manages public highways”.

Read also: Ports and roads in Ukraine: a complex equation with many unknowns

Also, the Cabinet of Ministers allocated an additional UAH 3.5 billion (USD 132.76) to local budgets for highways.

According to People’s Deputy Oleksiy Goncharenko, we are talking about an additional amount of subventions from the state budget, in particular, for public roads. The funds came from the overfulfillment of the income of the state road fund. The distribution was accepted with a one-day revision.

Let us remind you that today at a meeting the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a number of personnel decisions in the field of agricultural policy and infrastructure.

Thus, the government approved the candidatures of Olha Saminina for the position of Director of the State Enterprise “Berdyansk Commercial Sea Port” and Olexandr Medvedyk – for the position of Director of the State Enterprise “Mykolaiv Commercial Sea Port”. In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers dismissed the Head of the State Environmental Inspection Andrii Malevanny and his Deputy, Viktor Kantsurak.

Read also: The Verkhovna Rada dismissed three more ministers