MIU proposes to cancel documents for cargo shipping

The Ministry of Infrastructure has published a draft order, which proposes to abandon the Rules for the execution of documents for transportation by sea.
The rules establish the procedure for processing 19 relevant documents (a list of them can be found on the MIU website).
These rules determine only the procedure for processing shipping documents on paper forms, but do not determine the cases of execution and purpose of such documents.
Also, the procedure establishes that it is allowed to draw up documents in electronic form – in this case, paper document circulation is not carried out. The format of electronic shipping documents and the procedure for their circulation on the territory of the seaport are determined jointly by the seaport authority, interested executive authorities and private companies.
According to the MIU, the maritime industry in Ukraine and around the world is moving towards the rejection of paper documents, and the Rules do not regulate both electronic document flow and relations between members of the port community. In this regard, port operators and sea terminals began to develop their own information systems with the ability to exchange documents and information in electronic form.
“The regulation of paper forms of cargo shipping documents is not only impractical, but also a deterrent to the implementation of the world’s best practices,” the Ministry said.
Companies themselves decide which documents and which clauses should be used in them, so the Rules are no longer relevant for them.