“Nibulon” invested $15.5 million in the development of river logistics on the Danube

The company “Nibulon” invested $15.5 million in the establishment of capacities for transshipment of grain from railways and from motor vehicles to river.
“We needed a stable channel that would allow us to regularly ship significant volumes. Therefore, we focused our attention on the Danube River and the possibilities of the river ports of Reni and Izmail. In the end, they settled on Izmail,” Latifundist quoted the company’s trade director, Volodymyr Slavinskyi, as saying.
According to him, the company managed to find reliable transport partners on the Danube river. Currently, the main sales channel remains the logistics route of grain delivery to Izmail, loading onto river transport, and then export to the Romanian seaport of Constanta.
“Such a logistics route allows you to maintain flexibility, meet contractual deadlines and control the movement of goods. This makes it possible to plan activities, to choose optimal export options,” said Slavinsky.
Over the past three months, the company exported agricultural products mainly via the Danube — 70%, the remaining 30% was exported via the “grain corridor”.